longwood79 Φωτογραφία #25


3 Αρέσκειες

That's real man size cock right there

Niggers are know for their long cocks

Not in a racist way of course

Don't let that myth get you down, the long dick nigga was a racist fabrication of the porn industry, It taboo and suggested that black men were uneducated savages and only knew how to fuck like animals and little else, don't get me wrong there is some big ass niggy dicks out there but there is many more average ones and even little ones, there is just as any white dudes with big ass dicks, but there is some truth to the racist porn industry, many big dicked white guys get an education and careers vs only being able to make money fucking on video, many blacks unfortunately do not have access to education, so if they are dumb, uneducated, but have a big pipe, then well they know where to go

But you guys thinking you don't measure up, unless you got a micro-penis, you are probably fine and your woman will be happy, even if you do have a micro, don;t run off and get titty implants and become someone's bitch, you have other options, stay strong brothers!

Oh I'm perfectly fine with the size of my cock and balls

I'm just endlessly fascinated by the ways of the negroid man

Not in a racist way of course